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OmniTrader Forum - A Self Moderated Community

This Forum is provided for the edification of OmniTrader users. Nirvana Systems, Inc., is committed to maintaining the OmniTrader Forum as a positive venue for communication, and encourage members to share their knowledge with others. We also ask for help in moderating the site to ensure that it maintains a high standard.

Please Help us Moderate the Site. - Our goal is to maintain the OmniTrader Forum as a positive outlet for member communication, and we appreciate member support in this regard. You will notice a Moderator button as the one shown to the left. This button will be present on every post to allow other members to perform the following actions detailed below. When you click the Moderate button, you will be given the option of Voting or Flagging the post as detailed below.

Vote for Member of the Month! - Read a great post or series of posts that really helped you to trade with OmniTrader? Show appreciation for another member by voting for them. Monthly winners will receive an award for helping the community.
Flag an Inappropriate Post. - Click on the Flag button to flag an inappropriate post. Once the post has been flagged it will automatically be suspended, pending review by the Administrator. Please review the Forum Rules for a description of the content of appropriate and inappropriate posts.

Thank you, and enjoy the Forum!
Nirvana Systems, Inc.

Nirvana Systems
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