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OmniTrader Upgrade Forums
OmniTrader Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions Summary & Links
Last Activity 1/5/2024 11:23 AM
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Barry Cohen

Posts: 6338

Joined: 1/19/2004

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Subject : Frequently Asked Questions Summary & Links
Posted : 11/22/2006 5:24 PM
Post #10866

How can I purchase & download OmniTrader?

Where can I find plugin download links & Get My Plugins links & info?

Installation FAQ

Can't connect to data feed or view charts

How do I use OmniTrader?

Where else can I get help?

FAQ for correcting data for symbols

How do I make a screenshot & post it on the forum?

OmniData Market Breadth FAQ

What do all the signals in OT & VT mean?

How can I download a prior version of OmniTrader?

How do I get my old settings into the new OT?

Do I need to have a previous version installed?

How do I create a new focus list?

What OmniTrader files should I back up or if I'm transferring files to another machine what files are needed?

Why has my OT performance decreased so much?

How can I fix error 429 when trying to open OT? (OT2013 & above)

How can I fix error 429 when trying to open OT? (OT2012 & prior)

How can I reinstall Microsoft .Net?

Symbols disappearing from profile

Correcting bad data for a symbol

Why am I not getting a signal on a certain stock?

How to get ToDo List or Focus List button back

FAQ for OmniVest Accounts in OT

Why do my signals change?

What is optimization?

Running the updater tells me OT is not installed

Why can't I get Weekly signals?

What can I do to get OmniScan working?

Why do I not see 5 or 15 minute time frames?

How do I adjust for a split?

Message: Unable to locate DBC Data Manager

How can I get real-time data?

Trading Rules and Regulations by Broker

Can't log into one of Nirvana's websites

Contrasting signals in different profiles

Why am I seeing A's and B's instead of checkboxes?

Can I import symbols from an Excel or Text file?

Where can I find a One System Strategy?

What does +1 mean in focus list?

How can I plot an option chart using OptionTrader?

How do I get chart data for the Russells?

Today's data is showing under yesterday's date

Strategy Wizard FAQ

Guppy-Darvas Combo FAQ

FAQ regarding volume

How to correct error 3197?

Optimized Shifted Moving Average Indicator

Error 713 Class not registered

How do I disable McAfee's phishing software?

Seeing wrong symbol in non-US market

Error: Cannot communicate with machnm1.exe

[Edited by Barry Cohen on 11/22/2006 5:27 PM]

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