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FAQ for correcting data for symbols
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Barry Cohen

Posts: 6338

Joined: 1/19/2004

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Subject : FAQ for correcting data for symbols
Posted : 11/23/2009 4:33 PM
Post #18707

SECTION 1. Follow this if you're using OmniData End-Of-Day data only & there is a data issue with just one symbol:

1. Highlight the symbol in your Focus List. Right-click it, select Delete Data, & click All Data followed by the Delete button. Then run the To Do List again ensuring that "Download Historical and Current Price Data" is checked or double-click the symbol to download the data. You may also right-click the chart & select Reload Data.

2. If the data comes back & it is still not adjusted, you may report it here. We can usually correct it on the same day.

SECTION 2. Follow this if you're using OmniData End-Of-Day data & there is missing data for all the symbols:

1. If your all your charts show the message "No Historical Data Available for all symbols please click here.

2. If one bar is missing from all your symbols, for instance if Sept 9 has a missing bar on every chart, then close OT & any other Nirvana software. Make sure OmniDataMaintenance has stopped running in your Task Manager. Browse to the C:\Program Files\Nirvana\OT201#\Dlls folder & run the OmniDataSettings.exe file.

Click Add in the User Quotes/Splits Request window. Leave the Type as Quotes. Select the missing date (Sept 9) & click Add. Click Save followed by Close at the bottom of the window.

Open OT & run the To Do List again ensuring that "Download Historical and Current Price Data" is checked. The missing bar should be filled.

3. If there is a large gap for all your symbols, for instance if data is missing from Sept 9 to Oct 9 & after Oct 9 the data is ok, then close OT & any other Nirvana software. Make sure OmniDataMaintenance has stopped running in your Task Manager. Browse to the C:\Program Files\Nirvana\OT201#\Dlls folder & run the OmniDataSettings.exe file.

Change all of the date settings to Sept 8 (the date before the gap begins). Click Save followed by Close at the bottom of the window.

Open OT & run the To Do List again ensuring that "Download Historical and Current Price Data" is checked. The gaps should be filled.

SECTION 3. Follow this if you're using eSignal or IQ Feed End-Of-Day data only & there is a data issue with just one symbol. If you have a problem getting data for all symbols please click here.

1. Highlight the symbol, right-click it, & select Show Path For Symbol.

2. If it says USER data, right-click the symbol again & select Set Data Source -> Easy Data. Then try downloading the data again with your ToDo list or double-click the symbol if you're using On Demand Downloading.

3. If it says EASY data or if that doesn't work, right-click the symbol's chart & select Reload Data (You may also right-click in the Focus List & select Delete Data, select All Data & click Delete). Then run your ToDo list again or double-click the symbol to download the data.

4. If it is still not correct, try restarting OmniTrader.

5. If the chart still shows the issue contact the data supplier. Click here for eSignal or click here for IQ Feed.

SECTION 4. Follow this if you're using OmniData, eSignal or IQ Feed for RealTime data only & there is a data issue with just one symbol. If you have a problem getting data for all symbols please click here.

*Note that a missing bar or bars of data can be caused by many factors. If you are unsure please contact Nirvana support.

1. Right-click the symbol or chart & select Reload Data.

2. If the chart still shows the issue contact the data supplier. Click here for eSignal or click here for IQ Feed. To report a bad tick with OmniData you may click here.

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