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OmniTrader Upgrade Forums
OmniTrader Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ for OmniVest Accounts in OT
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Barry Cohen

Posts: 6338

Joined: 1/19/2004

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Subject : FAQ for OmniVest Accounts in OT
Posted : 4/10/2013 3:24 PM
Post #28154

Questions About OmniVest Accounts in OmniTrader:

1. What does this allow me to do?

This feature allows you to get your OmniVest account lists inside OmniTrader.

2. What versions of OmniTrader/VisualTrader support this feature?

OmniTrader 2013 PR2J & higher. VisualTrader 10.5 supports this feature.

3. Is OmniData or OmniScan required?

Neither is required.

4. What do I have to do to enable this feature?

Enable the "Show OmniVest Account in OmniScan" option under Tools/Options/OmniScan & click ok to save it. Then click the Pencil icon in the Focus List & select OmniScan for the Data Source. The lists should be selectable under an OmniVest folder.

5. How do the lists update & how often?

Lists are not updated through the ToDo List. Rather they are downloaded whenever OmniVest updates (usually about 9AM & 4:30PM Central), if the user makes changes in their OV account, whenever the option is enabled under Tools/Options, or when OT starts up.

6. Does this feature work in realtime profiles?

This feature works in realtime profiles in OT2015.

7. I enabled the option under Tools/Options, but I'm still not getting the lists in OmniScan.

- Make sure that your Nirvana ID & PW is set under Help/Registration. If not, type them in & click Ok to save. Restart OT & enter OmniScan.
- Make sure that you are using a Stocks profile.
- Check your OmniVest accounts to see if they have at least one open order or position.
- If that still doesn't work, disable the option under Tools/Options/OmniScan & click ok to save it. Close OT. Then browse to the C:\Program Files\Nirvana\OT201# folder & remove the OmniVest folder there. Open OT. Enable the option under Tools/Options/OmniScan & click ok to save it. Enter OmniScan.
- There are some characters that may be acceptable for OmniVest account names that are not for OmniScan lists. These include any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |

8. OmniScan is not one of the selectable choices when I click the Focus List Pencil icon.

You may need a new stocks.otd file. Please contact support.

9. How are multiple trades for the same symbol handled?

OT cannot display multiples of the same symbol in a list, so if the OV account has multiple strategies firing for the same symbol, the symbol will display only once in OT’s Focus List.

10. What do the OVPos, OVShares, & OVStrategy columns display?

- The OVPos column will display a signal representing the OmniVest position. Open Positions are indicated by in-trade signals, Open Orders are shown as solid triangles, & Closing Orders are identified as exit signals. If a closing order & open order both exist at the same time, the exit signal will be displayed.
- The OVShares column displays the number of OmniVest shares for the associated OmniVest symbol & strategy. For multiple strategies on the same symbol, the number of shares displayed will be from the strategy with the most number of shares.
- The OVStrategy column displays the OmniVest strategy. For multiple strategies on the same symbol, the strategy with the most number of shares will be shown, but will show +1, +2, etc. to indicate there are other OmniVest strategies with the same OmniVest signal type.

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