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Running the updater tells me OT is not installed
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Barry Cohen

Posts: 6338

Joined: 1/19/2004

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Subject : Running the updater tells me OT is not installed
Posted : 12/3/2014 4:53 PM
Post #33861

Q: When I run the updater it tells me that OT (or VT) is not installed, but I know it is installed. How can I get the update to run?


A registry cleaner or other security software has interfered with the Installshield files that let your computer know that OmniTrader (or VisualTrader) is installed. Reinstalling the product will solve the issue, but here is an easier & faster solution.

1. Close OmniTrader (or VisualTrader).

2. Browse to your C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information folder. It's a hidden folder, so you'll need to have hidden folders displayed. Click here if you need help showing hidden folders.

3. Find the folder that matches the affected product. See "Product Installshield Codes" below step 8. For example OT2014's folder is {F1305D75-C6B1-4879-A00F-AB3E4A57C7A1}

4. Rename the folder. For the above example, rename it to {F1305D75-C6B1-4879-A00F-AB3E4A57C7A1}.old

5. Download the attachment that corresponds to the correct product.

6. Unzip/uncompress the attachment.

7. In the attachment will be that {F1305D75-C6B1-4879-A00F-AB3E4A57C7A1} folder with contents. Copy that folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information folder hence replacing the folder that you renamed.

8. Run your OmniTrader (or VisualTrader) updater as the issue should then be fixed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Product Installshield Codes

OT2024 = {E551400E-CC8B-4DAA-B61C-E82305E559B4}     Click Here

OT2023 = {E551400E-CC8B-4DAA-B61C-E82305E559B4}     Click Here

OT2022 = {6B0D3C13-9996-4547-BF64-8227C98032D1}       Click Here

OT2021 = {C21DDCC1-5037-4D61-B9AF-FD5D5DB0C07A}   Click Here

OT2020 = {490F3B12-9913-4A82-AAA9-55E40140C914}        Click Here

OT2019 = {1F803A3A-CBC7-49F1-98A9-441ADE8EE199}      Click Here

OT2018 = {D5DCD7F7-9809-4028-9505-66655FD2B4A8}       Click Here

OT2017 = {71F04319-742C-4FFD-B604-62AB534FC1E0}       Click Here

OT2016 = {671782F5-7149-4FB1-BF71-069BCC7157C9}       Click Here

OT2015 = {C9D7FD10-695F-4E94-8917-C803BE141135}       Click Here

OT2014 = {F1305D75-C6B1-4879-A00F-AB3E4A57C7A1}       Click Here

OT2013 = {46F5EEF8-6C9C-47EE-B39F-D513992E3B79}      Click Here

VT12 = {74D1FABE-3CF3-4AA8-BFE5-54FECC49D756}         Click Here

VT11 = {4CE62402-1136-4360-B5B5-C994A9230BC6}            Click Here

VT10/10.5 = {036C8F55-7476-4084-88CD-15603909D3D3}    Click Here

VT9 = {1C389AC7-3184-4935-B0B4-84DB5C9082CE}             Click Here

Attached file : OT2015 (1771KB - 805 downloads)
Attached file : OT2014 (1949KB - 677 downloads)
Attached file : OT2013 (2150KB - 680 downloads)
Attached file : VT10 (1780KB - 683 downloads)
Attached file : VT9 (1878KB - 652 downloads)
Attached file : VT11 (1798KB - 578 downloads)
Attached file : OT2016 (1781KB - 571 downloads)
Attached file : OT2017 (1808KB - 440 downloads)
Attached file : OT2018 (1961KB - 341 downloads)
Attached file : OT2019 (1838KB - 337 downloads)
Attached file : OT2020 (1883KB - 348 downloads)
Attached file : OT2021 (1821KB - 281 downloads)
Attached file : VT12 (2129KB - 290 downloads)
Attached file : OT2022 (3907KB - 140 downloads)
Attached file : OT2023 (2741KB - 138 downloads)
Attached file : OT2024 (2283KB - 108 downloads)

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