OmniTrader Professional Forum - Tutorials & Additional Resources
OmniPilot Tutorials

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Jeff Drake

Posts: 55

Joined: 1/1/1900

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Subject : OmniPilot Tutorials
Posted : 3/6/2006 1:41 PM
Post #25

The following tutorials will help you become familiar with the features of OmniPilot. Watch the OPIntro first, and then the rest of of the videos will elaborate on the features mentioned in the intro.

Jeff Drake
Attached file : OPIntro.wmv (3102KB - 4402 downloads)
Attached file : OPDemo.wmv (1384KB - 3053 downloads)
Attached file : OPEmail.wmv (1040KB - 2561 downloads)
Attached file : OPIntradayTrader.wmv (1575KB - 2792 downloads)