John W
   Posts: 96
Joined: 6/18/2011
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
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Hi, I'm looking for advice. I'll give my opinion if someone can confirm it.
Today I entered a number of option positions using Omnipilot to drive OT in a RT profile. All TP's worked correctly but for one symbol the TP ended up as transparent with no colour.
Q1. For that symbol I presume something went wrong (I'll work that out later) and it needs to be re-applied. Example shown:

When I right clicked and removed the trade plan OT decided to freeze and shutdown. Upon restart ALL TP's for all symbols were lost. AAAAARGH!!!
Q2. I'm thinking I'll just see if the trailing stops for all positions keep on moving up and if they somehow work. If I find that they don't work then I'll manually add stops through the broker for all positions directly. Any advice welcome.

[Edited by John W on 3/7/2014 3:32 PM]
Attached file : TP Transparent.png (78KB - 742 downloads)
Attached file : TP lost.png (17KB - 745 downloads)
John W
   Posts: 96
Joined: 6/18/2011
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
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I solved my two questions.
Q1. I was able to re-apply a trade plan
Q2. I found the TP's still existed.
The reason the TP's vanished was that when OT froze and shutdown it did not reconnect to the broker. I realised that all I needed to do was to reconnect to the broker, and the TP's magically reappeared.
I also believe I found the cause of what went wrong when the TP for one symbol ended up transparent with no colour. The problem was a data issue with the particular symbol, it corrected itself when I reloaded the data.
All issues fixed.