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Posts: 38

Joined: 12/2/2005
Location: UK

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Subject : Procedure Call or Argument is not Valid
Posted : 5/2/2015 3:58 PM
Post #35357

Hi Support,

I have just installed OT 2015 and PR 2G on a new PC and I get the following error message when clicking on a symbol: "Error 5: Procedure call or argument is not valid. Occured in routine - COptionable .Save".

The error happens when 'On Demand Downloading' is checked under Data Settings and OT is attempting to load more data for the symbol.

After clicking OK on the error message the data for the symbol loads as normal.

I also get this error when trying to enter a trade using Trade Manager.

Any idea what the problem is?

I have attached a couple of logs.



[Edited by Shortlandj on 5/3/2015 8:09 AM]

Attached file : OT_150502_215029.log (5KB - 455 downloads)
Attached file : OT_150503_140332.log (90KB - 1724 downloads)

Deleting message 35357 : Procedure Call or Argument is not Valid

Nirvana Systems
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