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Posts: 210

Joined: 4/2/2006
Location: South Africa

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Subject : RE: Rolling Pivot Points
Posted : 4/22/2007 6:53 AM
Post #4587 - In reply to #4579

Great idea. I'd thought about the TZ issue on the intraday pivots but hadn't come up with any code yet.

To save looking things up, here AFAIK are some domicile TZ's:
Time Zone New York GMT
Tokyo Open 7:00 pm 0:00
Tokyo Close 4:00 am 9:00
London Open 3:00 am 8:00
London Close 12:00 pm 17:00
New York Open 8:00 am 13:00
New York Close 5:00 pm 22:00

Plundered the above from

Incidentally this site which I discovered from another OT user's post in this forum is quite neatly laid out, albeit the lighthearted tone may be a little juvenile for some. They have a 'holy grail' blog so we can get more ideas for OT FX systems there. Their 'Cowabunga' one which looks to be partially pivots based might be worth a gander for developing as an OT system if possible.
Certainly the trade record looks pretty good.
Deleting message 4587 : RE: Rolling Pivot Points

Nirvana Systems
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