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Posts: 347

Joined: 4/20/2006
Location: JNB, ZA

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Subject : RE: Rolling Pivot Points
Posted : 5/9/2007 1:42 AM
Post #4812 - In reply to #4233

Howzit all traders (not-so-)interested in Rolling Pivots :),

Now we have a set of Daily Pivots rolling over 60-min chart, with the following characteristics:
* The historical pivots are plotted at midnight (from the purist perspective that is incorrect),
* The current/last pivot can be adjusted to your Time Zone (this one is correct).

Frankly, the last pivot set is what matters most -- historical pivots are only for reference -- so although it is far from perfect, I think it is now becoming a tradeable indicator.

Cheers, Kris

Attached file : DailyPivotsV06.txt (4KB - 502 downloads)

Deleting message 4812 : RE: Rolling Pivot Points

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